Friday, December 9, 2011

Knitted earbands

They are all the rage these days! I see them everywhere on everyone! I'm not a hat person, never have been. I'm envious of all of you who can put on a hat and look fabulous! Do you know how lucky you are? Well, I thought these little beauties might be the solution to my dilema.

So, one day I sat down and decided to find the pattern and see if I can knit one for myself.  I found a great tutorial on YouTube that walked me through the entire process.  If you're a knitter yourself and want to try your hand at making one of these, check out iKNITS.  Once I found these easy-to-follow instructions, I made my first one and felt so proud!  I haven't knitted anything in years, and I actually find crocheting more my style (it's much more forgiving if when I make a mistake.)  So, I was thrilled that I could knit this earband. 

And I'm telling you, when I figured it out, I couldn't put down my knitting needles for weeks, and I mean WEEKS.  Every Packers football game, I was knitting; every Glee episode, I was knitting; every time I had a free moment, I was knitting!  I can almost make one now without looking at the pattern.

I added knitting needles to my thrift list.  After all, I only had one pair of needles, what up-and-coming knitter can have only one pair of needles?  On a recent visit, I found one knitting needle - one!  I looked store wide for it's match, to no avail.  Now, you might be wondering why I don't just buy some brand new knitting needles!  It did cross my mind, and I was tempted on several occasions.  BUT, what fun is that, I ask?  So, that one very spectacular awesomely good day when I walked into the Goodwill store and found not one, but FIVE pairs of knitting needles - all different sizes, my eyes went big, and my heart skipped a beat - it felt like Christmas!  You can imagine my joy.  Yea, that German stubbornness paid off. 

I have eight earbands finished.  I love all the colors.  They are different sizes, cuz not everyone has my size head.  I have two friends who saw them and want one.  That's a good sign! 

I'm on the hunt for buttons, now, too.  Big beautiful buttons.  I passed up a big box of buttons at a garage sale recently.   Now, I'm kicking myself.  Someday, I hope to understand that urge to buy some random item that makes no sense at the moment.  Ah, live and learn.   

There's a bonus to these earbands for me; the flower embellishments are crocheted!!  I love to crochet.  It's fast, easy to learn and like I said before, forgiving.  I hope you can see these sweet little flowers!  I have a pattern for a big one and a small one, so I can mix and match.      

So, there you have it.  Now, on those wicked cold days of winter, I can wear something on my head that looks decent (if not fabulous) and keeps my ears warm.  And that is a very good thing.  

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