They drove their truck and I drove Dory, my Subaru. We planned to fill them both. We came close.
Emily came home with the great idea to make a wine shelf from an old drawer that holds bottles of wine and wine glasses. We found this awesome old red drawer at one of our stops for $15 and fell in love immediately! Take a good look at her vintage beauty.
We added two under-the-cabinet wine glass holders (one I found at a garage sale for $1, one we bought for $10 at Bed Bath and Beyond.) They don't quite match, but they do the job nicely. We attached them both underneath the drawer. Together they hold 12 wine glasses. Nice.
Now for the top side where the wine bottles will be stored. We had to notch out the front of the drawer so the bottles fit. We measured the inside of the box (30 inches), did the math (!) to fit six bottles of wine, drew lines and started cutting.
I sawed about an inch down on two sides and then used a drill to go across the bottom of the notch. I know there is probably an easier way to do this, but I have limited tools, so I used what I had. It worked like a charm, too.
Then we used a rasp to smooth the notches, followed by sandpaper. This is good teamwork!
This shows the underneath wine glass holder.
We need to get brackets now, so it can be attached to the wall. Emily will have to provide the finished picture when she gets home and puts it up. But so we can enjoy it now, we are holding the drawer with empty wine bottles (that I'm saving for something...?) and four wine glasses in the holder. Pretty neat.
This is as far as we can go with it. I love the idea. I love the look. It was easy and fun to make. It will be fun to use. Can't wait to see it up...we visit Emily at Thanksgiving. Some Wisconsin cheese curds and James J. chocolates and we're set for a nice visit. Yummy.